Liz and Loz are back at the Amsterdam JustTIC headquarters after 3 weeks touring the South African lands. During our trip we went down memory lane for Lizette, we visited the Chiropractic University’s, spoke to the students at Durban, interviewed Greg Venning, visited Lizette’s old practice and met her South African mentors. As we had … Continue reading Liz and Loz; Lessons from our 10,000 hours! →

Liz and Loz are back at the Amsterdam JustTIC headquarters after 3 weeks touring the South African lands. During our trip we went down memory lane for Lizette, we visited the Chiropractic University’s, spoke to the students at Durban, interviewed Greg Venning, visited Lizette’s old practice and met her South African mentors. As we had hours on the road, and long walks on beaches and up mountains, many reflections and philosophical questions were discussed at length. Join us, as we share some of our thoughts on our latests podcast:)

Below are some happy snaps of our trip:) Enjoy!