Episode Synopsis We all like to be encouraged.  In this podcast we take time to consider what it takes to encourage others with intentionality.  Here are some of our bullet points: Listen with Interest – most people can tell if you’re not interested.  Simply listening with interest is a huge encouragement to people.. Ask Good […]


Episode Synopsis

We all like to be encouraged.  In this podcast we take time to consider what it takes to encourage others with intentionality.  Here are some of our bullet points:

Listen with Interest – most people can tell if you’re not interested.  Simply listening with interest is a huge encouragement to people..
Ask Good Questions – knowing how to ask good questions and surface the ideas and emotions that are in a person is a HUGE encouragement to folks.
Respond with Something Unexpected – taking the time to surprise someone shows that you’ve been thinking about them and have a genuine interest in their lives.  We all like to be thought of.
Pray with/for Them – seek God’s best on their behalf.

Topic: Life

Hosts: Milo Curtis, Dave Ambrose, Patty McCaulay

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