Episode Synopsis All of us have the opportunity to live fast paced, crazy lives.  In this podcast we are going to talk about ways to make time for your family.  How do you avoid the Disappearing Dad & the MIA Mom? Limit Your Kid’s Activities – don’t over schedule your family with activities that pull […]


Episode Synopsis

All of us have the opportunity to live fast paced, crazy lives.  In this podcast we are going to talk about ways to make time for your family.  How do you avoid the Disappearing Dad & the MIA Mom?

Limit Your Kid’s Activities – don’t over schedule your family with activities that pull the family in 100 directions.  Identify a few, and limit it.
Limit Your Own Activities – When will you stop working?  When will you be home?  What night will you be away?  What nights will you be home?
Turn Off the TV – Don’t distract yourself from one another with the TV.  Focus on eachother
Reading/Game/Movie Time – When will you read, play games, or have movie night?  Do that, and do it consistently.
Establish a Rhythm and Stick to It – establish a rhythm to your week that creates expectation and discipline.  This will make it easy to say no to things that would compromise the family schedule.

Topic: Family Life

Hosts: Milo Curtis, Dave Ambrose, Patty McCaulay

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