We posted a clip on YouTube entitled "Money, Money, Money." Dave and Milo discuss the following comment that was left in response to the video clip.


Topic: Life, Spirituality, Friendship

Hosts: Milo Curtis & Dave Ambrose

Episode Synopsis

We posted a clip on YouTube entitled “Money, Money, Money.”  Dave and Milo discuss the following comment that was left in responce to the video clip.

Tell this load of bull to someone who had their home foreclosed on, is living in a motel or car, and doesn’t know where his next meal is coming from. If God doesn’t fluctuate then he obviously decided that a lot of people didn’t need money, their houses, an education, etc… then God can go screw in my opinion. This video was BS crap when people are in the midst of losing everything. This is some of the stupid crap that got us into this mess to begin with. Dumb. Ignorant. Stupid.

– PeakedEarth

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