Topic: Special Edition Hosts: Milo Curtis, Dave Ambrose, Patty McCaulay Guest: Jeff Kivet, Jordan Brown Episode Synopsis 25 big ones baby!  That’s the number of podcasts we’ve done together.  We are really excited to cross this threshold and we thought we’d give you a special edition podcast in light of it.  In this podcast we […]

Topic: Special Edition

Hosts: Milo Curtis, Dave Ambrose, Patty McCaulay

Guest: Jeff Kivet, Jordan Brown

Episode Synopsis

25 big ones baby!  That’s the number of podcasts we’ve done together.  We are really excited to cross this threshold and we thought we’d give you a special edition podcast in light of it.  In this podcast we introduce a couple of the guys who have been working really hard to bring the site to life.  Jeff Kivet & Jordan Brown share about their role and experience with the project.

Resources Mentioned

Website: Media Fuel

T-Shirt Winner: Congratulations to Peach for winning a t-shirt.  You can win one by submitting comments on the blog or facebook page.  Every time you make a comment your name gets thrown in Milo’s stinky hat for a t-shirt drawing.

What Do You Think?

What questions do you have about the upcoming website?  Let us know by sending us your comments by leaving a comment below and/or you can get a hold of us at [email protected]. Every time you make a comment your name gets thrown in Milo’s stinky hat for a t-shirt drawing.

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