May the 19th be with you! That’s right, our annual May 19th Shapir supershow is happening again. Senior correspondent Albert Ching ( guests to discuss not just the history but the deeper significance of this date. Included under that thematic umbrella are: the twisted & disturbed life of Kane, Kane now being a demon from […]

May the 19th be with you! That’s right, our annual May 19th Shapir supershow is happening again. Senior correspondent Albert Ching ( guests to discuss not just the history but the deeper significance of this date. Included under that thematic umbrella are: the twisted & disturbed life of Kane, Kane now being a demon from hell in relation to the Sartre quote “hell is other people,” dead crowds in contrast to Al’s live Wrestlemania week experience, some attempted devil’s advocacy for a few of WWE’s demonized divas, and a discussion of a couple of this year’s summer blockbusters released on or around May 19th and what they portend for Daredevil’s prospective team-up with Batista. A show so check it out.

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Previous Episodes

14: Booyaka Booyaka 519

13: Thirtysomething

12: Assed Reigns

11: E! BOLA

10: Shoots and Ladders

9: Dean Dogless

8: 30 Talk

7: Royal Pains with Matt Feuerstein

6: Survivor Queries

5: The Biggest Parody of the Summer

4: New York Meets

3: Dwarf Tosser

2: State of the Union of People You Oughta Respect, Shane

1: Survivors Guilt

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