More and more Canadian doctors are starting to face censorship from their provincial Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, who have ordered doctors not to question public health officials or the wisdom of lockdowns. Colleges in Alberta, BC, Ontario, Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia are threatening doctors with investigations and disciplinary proceedings that could result in loss of license to practice medicine. We discuss free speech in the medical field, and also call for the Alberta government to imitate Florida by legislating that, from now on, the cycle level of each positive PCR test be made public.

John Carpay in The Post Millennial, Jun 25, 2021: Doctors' Colleges in Canada prefer ideology to science

CPAC, Jun 17, 2021: MP Derek Sloan Raises Concerns Over Censorship of Doctors and Scientists

Life Site News, Mar 9, 2021: Doctor’s college condemns member’s ‘irresponsible behaviour’ of criticizing lockdowns, vaccines

Justice Centre News Release, Jun 23, 2021: Surgeon fired by College of Medicine for voicing safety concerns about Covid shots for children

True North, Jun 17, 2021: NS emergency head fired after criticizing public health powers

The Times of Israel, Jun 17, 2021: 1 in 4 COVID patients hospitalized while vitamin D deficient die – Israeli study

Foundation for Economic Education, Jun 21, 2021: We Just Got Even More Proof that Stay-At-Home Orders Lethally Backfired Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents by Rod Dreher

WebMD, Jun 4, 2020: The Lancet Retracts Hydroxychloroquine Study

Washington Examiner, Jun 23, 2021: WHO creates confusion with language on COVID-19 vaccines for children

Link from a listener
The Defender, Jun 4, 2021: Fauci Emails: How Top Public Health Officials Spun Tangled Web of Lies Around COVID Origin, Treatments

Link from a listener
Youtube, Feb 8, 2018: The Soviet Story

PJ Media, Jun 17, 2021: Defector Claiming Chinese Military Responsible for COVID-19 Identified as Top Counterintelligence Official

680News, Jun 18, 2021: National vaccine passports for international travel coming this fall: Trudeau

Theme Music "Carpay Diem" by Dave Stevens

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