Description:How the DA’s Office and law enforcement work with businesses and residents along the Stockton Boulevard corridor to resolve and deter quality of life crimes.   Guests are the Partnership’s Executive Director Frank Louie, DA Community Prosecutor Leslie Kolb and Sacramento County Sheriff’s Deputy Johnny Lee. 

Show Notes: Frank Louie gives his personal and professional background and explains what the Stockton Boulevard Partnership is, its mission/purpose and how it works.  Leslie and John talk about their backgrounds and roles with their agencies.  Frank, Leslie and John then discuss how they all work together and some of the common problems they address – including homelessness, prostitution and human trafficking.


They share a few examples of quality of life and business issues they have been able resolve and other successes they have experienced.  They credit their success to their unique partnership and having everyone they need at the table to address various issues and to proactively prevent new ones.  This partnership benefits Frank, Leslie and Johnny in their roles – allowing them to work more effectively and efficiently, making a more significant positive impact on the community.


They talk about new trends in crime, crime prevention, changes in businesses and how they operate, other aspects that have recently emerged along Stockton Boulevard, and how they are preparing to address them.   They also share future projects and goals they have for near future.


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Tags - District Attorney, Anne Marie Schubert, Justice Journal, Stockton Boulevard Partnership, Community Prosecution, Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department, POP Officer, Problem-Oriented Policing.