Description: Brother to Brother Co-Founder Mervin Brookins along with District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert and Sacramento Police Chief Daniel Hahn talk about the trust and partnership they have developed, and how they are working together to address public safety challenges, improve the lives of individuals and create healthier, safer neighborhoods throughout Sacramento.


Show Notes: Mervin starts by telling listeners about himself and Brother to Brother, including his background as well as how Brother to Brother helps to restore lives, rebuild neighborhoods and bring the community together.


Chief Hahn and Anne Marie discuss how they got to know Mervin and how their relationship with Mervin developed into one of mutual trust and respect.  They give examples of how Mervin works with the DA’s Office and the Sacramento Police Department to support each other’s efforts to re-build and improve the lives of individuals, and improve the safety and well-being of everyone in the Sacramento community.  The three then discuss how their partnership between Brother to Brother and the DA/law enforcement impacts their role and goals in serving the community, and how important these kinds of relationships are to both Mervin and public safety agencies. 


The conversation continues to discuss challenges each organization has faced and success stories of how their partnership allowed them to address the challenges and keep moving forward.   The key is they work with each other versus against each other for the greater good, especially those who are at-risk or underserved. 


Mervin talks about how he informs the community about Brother to Brother and the work they do, which is primarily by word-of-mouth within the community. 


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Tags - District Attorney, Anne Marie Schubert, Justice Journal, Sacramento Police Department, Chief Daniel Hahn, Mervin Brookins, Brother to Brother, Neighborhood Wellness Foundation