EVENT DETAILS: I’ll be holding a BALLOON RELEASE in memory of Jennifer Servo to commemorate the 19th year that her murder has remained unsolved.  Saturday, September 18, 2021 from noon - 1:00 PM at Scarborough Park in Abilene, Texas.  We’ll meet at the intersection of Corsicana Avenue and Fairmont Street on the park side.

I’ll provide the balloons and I’ll have some information to give out about Jennifer’s case, as well as some free podcast swag.  If you happen to find yourself in Abilene, stop on by Scarborough Park, release a balloon in memory of Jennifer, and pick up some free swag.  

A special THANK YOU to Jennifer's family.  Without your support, neither this podcast nor this event would exist.

Our hearts are heavy with grief as we mark 19 years without an answer to who killed Jennifer, but although our hearts are heavy, our will is strong.

Logo created by Katelyn Spencer.