A divorced mother in Texas is forcing her 6-year old son to identify as transgender, to the utter dismay and disagreement of the boy’s biological father. The mother has also stated her intention to have the boy chemically castrated when he turns eight. In this extended episode of the Just Thinking broadcast, Darrell and Virgil dig deep into this disheartening situation and discuss the myriad implications and ramifications of this mother’s sinful defiance of God through the biblical lens of the imago Dei.

Parental discretion is strongly advised.


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Related external media

* Only Two Religions (Dr. Peter Jones, Ligonier Ministries)

* Tolerance and the Church of Oneism (Joseph E. Torres)

* Mom Dresses Six-Year Old Son as Girl (Walter Heyer, The Federalist)

* Texas Mom Says 6-Year Old Son is Transgender (Legal Insurrection)

* The Battle for the Biblical Family (Dr. George C. Scipione)

* Christian Philosophy: A Systematic and Narrative Introduction (Drs. Craig G. Bartholomew and Michael W. Goheen)


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