Recently, the United States Senate failed to pass the "Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act" or what is commonly known as the "Born-Alive Act". The legislation, was aimed at protecting the lives of babies who were born alive after surviving an attempted abortion. Notwithstanding the role of elected politicians in failing to pass what appears to most people be the common-sense thing to do, what responsibility, if any, do Christians have in this outcome? Listen as Darrell and Virgil make a case from Scripture that Christians are as much to blame as politicians for what happened in the Senate concerning this legislation. Key text: Ecclesiastes 9:3

Text of Born-Alive Act legislation -

"Abortion and the Campaign for Immorality" - John MacArthur

"Can I Be Forgiven If I've Had An Abortion?" - R.C. Sproul

Culture: Living as Citizens of Heaven on Earth - A.W. Tozer

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Recently, the United States Senate failed to pass the “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act” or what is commonly known as the “Born-Alive Act”. The legislation, was aimed at protecting the lives of babies who were born alive after surviving an attempted abortion. Notwithstanding the role of elected politicians in failing to pass what appears to most people be the common-sense thing to do, what responsibility, if any, do Christians have in this outcome? Listen as Darrell and Virgil make a case from Scripture that Christians are as much to blame as politicians for what happened in the Senate concerning this legislation. Key text: Ecclesiastes 9:3

Text of Born-Alive Act legislation –

Abortion and the Campaign for Immorality” – John MacArthur

Can I Be Forgiven If I’ve Had An Abortion?” – R.C. Sproul

Culture: Living as Citizens of Heaven on Earth – A.W. Tozer

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