Since the earliest days of Christianity, false doctrine has been a threat to the gospel of Christ and to His church. This is no less true today as false teachers, from within and without the church, continue to mislead countless souls by deliberately misinterpreting and misconstruing the Scriptures in accordance with their own sinful agendas. How are we, as Christians, to respond to false teachers and the false doctrines they espouse? How can followers of Christ know for certain what is true and what is false? Listen as Darrell and 'Omaha' (Virgil) look to God's word for answers to these and other questions concerning false teachers.

Tim Challies: 7 False Teachers in the Church Today

Tim Challies: The 5 Tests of False Doctrine

Tim Challies: The False Teachers: TD Jakes

John MacArthur: The Pathology of False Teachers

Thomas Brooks: The Distinguishing Marks of False Teachers

Monergism: Modern Day False Teachers

Since the earliest days of Christianity, false doctrine has been a threat to the gospel of Christ and to His church. This is no less true today as false teachers, from within and without the church, continue to mislead countless souls by deliberately misinterpreting and misconstruing the Scriptures in accordance with their own sinful agendas. How are we, as Christians, to respond to false teachers and the false doctrines they espouse? How can followers of Christ know for certain what is true and what is false? Listen as Darrell and ‘Omaha’ (Virgil) look to God’s word for answers to these and other questions concerning false teachers.

Tim Challies: 7 False Teachers in the Church Today

Tim Challies: The 5 Tests of False Doctrine

Tim Challies: The False Teachers: TD Jakes

John MacArthur: The Pathology of False Teachers

Thomas Brooks: The Distinguishing Marks of False Teachers

Monergism: Modern Day False Teachers