Critical Race Theory, or CRT for short, is, for many professing evangelicals today, a philosophy that is steeped in confusion and ambiguity. That is by design. In this expanded episode of the Just Thinking podcast, Darrell Harrison and Virgil “Omaha” Walker spend more than three hours unpacking the origins, tenets, and threats that Critical Race Theory poses not only to the evangelical church, but to society as a whole.



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Related blog articles

The Master’s University/Just Thinking Scholarships 2021
Evangelicals and Race Theory — Dr. Carl Trueman, First Things
NO! Critical Race Theory Does NOT Continue the Civil Rights Movement — Dr. James Lindsay, New Discourses
Race and Racism in the Bible — Toby Jennings, Founders Ministries
Equity or Equality? — Darrell B. Harrison, Just Thinking Blog
The Human Dignity of Equality — Virgil Walker, G3 Ministries


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