Subsequent to the presidential election held in the United States on November 3, 2020, many evangelical leaders, primarily on social media, began exhorting Christians to come together in a spirit of unity around the presumed incoming administration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Notwithstanding that, officially, the outcome of the aforementioned contest had yet to be determined, a fundamental question remains: What kind of unity is acceptable to the church and, more importantly, to God? In their final episode of the 2020 podcast season, Darrell Harrison and Virgil "Omaha" Walker answer that question expositionally—and unequivocally—from Scripture. 


Related episodes

EP # 047 | Where is Your Hope?
EP # 079 | One Church, One Body
EP # 096 | Christian Contentment
EP # 099 | Assurance of Salvation

Related blog articles

The Gospel in a Hostile World - Jeremiah Johnson (Grace to You blog post)
The Basis of Christian Unity - D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (
Holiness - J.C. Ryle (
Christ's Call to Reform the Church - John MacArthur (Grace to You)


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