In the wake of the killing of Breonna Taylor, a 26-year old black woman, by Louisville, KY police officers on March 13, 2020—and the subsequent decision by a grand jury to not charge the officers with murder—many people, including many professing Christians, are nevertheless calling for “justice” for Breonna Taylor. But was “justice” not done? More importantly, what is “justice” to begin with? What should “justice” actually look like in society? Is “justice” primarily a matter of subjective standards or of objective truth? Listen as Darrell Harrison and Virgil (“Omaha”) Walker bring some hard biblical truths to the issue of “justice” in this special episode of the Just Thinking podcast.



Related episodes

EP # 045 | Social Justice & the Gospel
EP # 062 | A Biblical Theology of Socialism

Related blog articles

Equity or Equality? by Darrell B. Harrison
So, You Want ‘Social Justice’? Be Careful What You Ask For by Darrell B. Harrison
A Few Words About ‘Justice by Darrell B. Harrison


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