Previous Episode: #JTOL I'm Not Here For It
Next Episode: JTOL Groceries

It started off fine. But then it went left. This week #DemNerdyBlackChicks talk about the shooting death of Walter Scott, the Georgia teacher scandal concludes with verdicts and sentencing, Dr. Ben Carson's anticipated presidential bid announcement and hate for hip hop & selfies. Cause Sause: BlackFace. They put that ish on er'thang. Finally, Boughetto needs some guys to quit with their fake outrage over females delivering sexually explicit lyrics. You'll never think about groceries the same. Music: "Keep on Movin'" - Soul II Soul Thanks for listening. Please spread the word by sharing the link. We want to hear from you! Twitter: @jtolmedia @shebeshonuff @boughettorising IG: @BoughettoRising Facebook: E-mail: [email protected] Tumblr: Website: