More inane banter about things that are annoying Woke Asian Guy which include divisive rhetoric from the papers and ultra melon Tim Martin of Wetherspoons. We could go into a room and scream through a pillow for five hours but this is much more calming…
If you stick around to the end we also have a pitch for Chechen Superman which would make an awesome film and some easy listening mentalness to calm the mind.. It’s like Andy Puddicombe’s headspace app but one that has had far too much alcohol

WAG will be back next time with Egg White to battle the though crimes of the anti woke brigade. Think of Brown Batman and Chintzy Robin and you get the idea


We discuss the right wing newspaper that is outraged at locking out posh white people to BBC jobs. Below is the article in question

And for those that think nothing of the insanely batsh!t mad hatchet woman Katie Hopkins, here is her 2016 article on the same divisiveness

Tim Martin… Brexit champion and (as someone called him) a homeless thundercat is a moany old sod now that he has thrown his toys out of the pram. Read about his whinging here