0:21 The Weekly Catch Up

(2:40) George finally took delivery of his Tesla Model Y, (14:00) we discuss the links between racism, civil unrest, and social media, and the eternal genius of Dave Chappelle. 

36:20 Coffee Segment

When it comes to shoulders they don't get much bigger than the hosts of JTD … so it only seems right we sampled some product from Big Shoulders Coffee. Our cups were filled wit Big Shoulders' Burundi Kibingo, a honey process bean from Kayanza Province (MASL: 1,893) in northern Burundi, that has alleged tasting notes of orange zest, exotic spice, and aromas of jasmine and caramel.

Big Shoulders Coffee is a Chicago artisan roaster that emphasizes a fresh-roasted, no-nonsense approach to fine coffee.

Big Shoulders Coffee
2415 W 19th St.
Chicago, IL 312.846.1439

50:50 Coffee NewsAll That Coffee Drinking at Home Might Affect Chains Into Next YearCosta Coffee releases full statement on why cyclists can’t use drive-through lanes