0:21 The Weekly Catch Up

George drank beer again this weekend, Greg has made 46 complete revolutions around the sun while existing on Mother Earth, George’s wife conquers FrothGate gets milk-frothing redemption, Greg got his feelings hurt when a restaurant wouldn’t honor his reservations, and the levels of water service in the hospitality industry

21:15 Coffee Segment

Fresh off the drip this episode we're pourin up some Lunar Blend from Dark Moon Coffee, based out of Henderson, NV. Be sure to check them out on social at @darkmooncoffee and online at https://www.darkmoon.coffee

28:45 Coffee NewsEmma Chamberlain Comes Under Fire From Fans For Selling $60 CoffeeDe’Longhi Maestosa coffee machine – What can $5,000 do for your coffee?Making coffee the right way: New study says everyone is making coffee wrongC3 Coffee Spreads from Carolina to Las Vegas with New Roastery CafeHeartwarming moment Canadian oil worker uses cup of coffee to free three kittens whose tails were frozen to the ground for hours after being abandoned