0:21 The Weekly Catch Up

Greg and Breezy get in some pre-SuperBowl banter and acknowledge Brady as the GOAT of QBs, we recap attempting to have a simple night out with a few beers and ended up needing to play peacemakers, and  Morgan Wallen gets cancelled for dropping the N-Bomb

29:26 Coffee Segment

OK, so this week was a double whammy … we're talking CBD smoke alongside coffee drip. This collaboration was between Dad Grass and YES PLZ. It was definitely a new and unique experience.

Dad Grass is a CBD Company offering pre-rolled CBD joints and CBD flower

YES PLZ is a specialty coffee subscription service delivering a new roast every week

The Dad Grass x YES PLZ collabo is sold out, but you can read more information about it here

45:31 News

Why You're More Creative in Coffee Shops

Arabica prices continue to rise in January while Robusta falls

Sad Singing Clown Puddles Pity Party Releases Coffee Blend