I had a serious problem with Episode 80. The conversation I had with Robot Entertainment Community Manager Justin Korthof was too much fun. It could have lasted for two hours. Quite frankly, I'm considering breaking my no-repeat-guest rule to get him back on my show. But enough about the future, let's get to the present.

Episode 80 is about all facets of community management. From video games to major motion pictures. From Geocities to Twitter followers and Facebook 'Likes'. There's also a heavy dose of comic talk including but not limited to culture, entreprenuership, movies, and walking down Sunset Boulevard with Bryan Singer.

Please excuse me as I pick up that name I just dropped. And please excuse the static that occasionally pops in this one, I had a few issues in the editing booth.

If you'd like to keep up with Justin, Robot Entertainment or the CM List, pay attention to the bullet list below:


Finally, if you stuck around through the outro, this post about Inception will be of great value to you.

Run Time - 1:19:08

Send your feedback to [email protected].

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