In this episode we welcome registered dietician Carlee Hayes from to the show discuss CGM, or continuous glucose monitoring.  We look at the technology as well as the uses for it in living a healthier life and preventing diseases. Then we end with 5 questions, where Carlee proves to be quite a crafty foe for Tom. If you are interested in CGM you can find out more info on and use code JSP25 for $25 dollars of your plan

In our Story You May Have Missed, we provide a new update to the story of the man with the pig heart transplant and discuss the ethics of using someone's past to decide medical treatment. 

This episode is sponsored by Eko Health.  Find out more at and use code JSP for $50 dollars off your order. 
Just Some Podcast Social Media

Huge shoutout to Falcon Five-O for use of their music "Hard Living" and "Failure's Not the Same Without You".

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