On this episode of Just Raised, Joe Sweeny interviews Eric Wimer and Kristian Zak, cofounders of Returnmates. This is a dive into eCommerce and the logistics of running a modern brand. Returnmates is focused on returns but is building a new kind of shipping company. They just raised $5M from Lightshed Ventures. 
Follow Returnmates:
Twitter https://twitter.com/returnmates (@returnmates)
To stay up-to-date on all things Just Raised, visit https://workweek.com/brand/just-raised/ or follow Joe Sweeny on Twitterhttps://twitter.com/JoeySweeny ( @JoeySweeny)

On this episode of Just Raised, Joe Sweeny interviews Eric Wimer and Kristian Zak, cofounders of Returnmates. This is a dive into eCommerce and the logistics of running a modern brand. Returnmates is focused on returns but is building a new kind of shipping company. They just raised $5M from Lightshed Ventures. 

Follow Returnmates:

Twitter @returnmates

To stay up-to-date on all things Just Raised, visit https://workweek.com/brand/just-raised/ or follow Joe Sweeny on Twitter @JoeySweeny

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