This section of the show notes is written by a human, Joe Sweeny, but at the bottom, I include segments written by Sudowrite.

Amit Gupta is the founder of Sudowrite, an AI tool for fiction writers.

Sudowrite is a very early stage company, only three months old, but it's software can generate writing of a quality that is just mind blowing. It's built on the Open AI Foundation's GPT-3 and other natural language processing models.

Amit is really exploring the future of human AI collaboration. On the show, we talk about what will happen when these algorithms become so commodified that anyone will have access to software that can write novels in an instant.  And maybe even more importantly, what an optimistic utopian view of that future looks like.

Here are a few samples of what Sudowrite can generate based on the text above:

As Amit says, "We're just scratching the surface of what this kind of technology will be able to do in the future."

As he explained, he didn't build it just to write books. It's designed to help people out of whatever need whatever they need it to do.

He said that this is just the beginning of how AI can be used to help humans with their creative endeavors. He said that it's just the beginning, and there's so much more that is coming

The company has a very small amount of seed funding from a few investors. In the future, Amit wants to work on other formats as well as improve the quality of the writing as well as work on other areas as computational journalism.

Here's a short story generated by Sudowrite based on the first paragraph I wrote above:

I was in my office when I got the call.


"Amit Gupta?"


"This is John Smith. With the United States Department of Defense."

"John Smith? What can I do for you?"

"It's about your company. Sudowrite."

"I'm listening."

John Smith cleared his throat. "We're interested in acquiring you. We want to buy all of your company, lock, stock, and barrel."

"All of it? But I barely started it."

"We want all of it. The technology, the team, the IP, the whole nine yards."

"You mean all of Sudowrite?"


"But there's no way-"

"I've spoken with your investors. They're willing to sign an NDA and come to Washington."

Washington? They wanted to meet me in Washington? I was getting a bad feeling about this.

"How much are you willing to pay for Sudowrite?"

"I can't tell you that. We want to put the deal together first. However, I'll tell you this. We're willing to pay whatever it takes."

That was actually encouraging. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. "Okay. I'll talk to my investors."

I hung up and immediately called my attorney. He'd know if this was legit or not.

When he answered the phone, I said, "You're not going to believe what just happened."

I told him about the call. He told me to call right back. "I'm calling my lawyer right now. I'll call you back in five minutes."

He called back five minutes later. "This sounds legit. Someone's really interested in Sudowrite."