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Episode Summary:

Anne Fricke, the creator and producer of Walking with Freya, a podcast inspired by her special needs daughter, discusses her introduction into podcasting, the creation of her passion project along with her new novel, and her frustrations with marketing and promoting those projects, so that they reach her intended audience, and provide the hope and community that is so impactful.

Her first podcast was a two-person project that delved into the lives of the people affected by the legalization of marijuana. It took about 6 months to launch from the point of conception. Walking with Freya was launched within about two weeks! Barriers to Launch: Learning new tech was a huge initial barrier but it was nice that the cost of start up was split with her podcast partner. Only big drawback of work-sharing with her podcast partner was having to give up a portion of the creative license. Definitely had a hard time giving up the editing reins! Budget: Spent about $100 on a new mic, $140 for website and hosting, $200 for a Zoom Recorder, and $200 for training on editing software. Struggles: The biggest struggle has been dealing with imposter syndrome and wanting so badly to connect with her audience. She just wants her audience to know that they are not alone in their joys and struggles of raising children with disabilities. She has been so positively impacted by the people she has met, the stories she has been able to share, and the absolute support of her husband. Next step, monetizing without losing her message!

About the Podcaster:


Anne Fricke is an author, poet, and a podcaster. She just released her debut novel "The Orchard's Descendant". She created and hosts the podcast "Walking with Freya; A Journey Through Special Needs Parenting" and actively seeks parents willing to share their stories. With her friend Amy Day, she co-created the podcast "Mend; Life at the Seams" which began as a way to document the shifting of their local culture and transitioned into conversations about the various forms of non-fiscal wealth we bring to our communities and families and how the everyday person can be a changemaker.


Mentioned in this episode:

Carrie On Walking with Freya


Blubrry Analytics

Blue Yeti Microphone (affiliate link) 


Zoom audio recorder


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The technical thing I learned from this episode:

Zencastr and I don't mix. We had to switch to PITA.


Cats in this episode:

Fat Round. Always Fat Round. Deaf cats love to make noise.


Personal Podcasting Pain Point:

Getting the episodes out when your laptop charger breaks a universal charger doesn't actually charge (but does keep the laptop on at battery saver performance)and Dell makes it impossible to order a new one. Took 3 tries to submit an order successfully. Switching back and forth between computers.