This is another departure form the standard format: it's a design workshop for Brindlewood Bay. If you're not familiar with it, think Murder She Wrote meets The Shadow Over Innsmouth. It's got a really innovative and elegant system for presenting mysteries that can carry over into other genres outside the cozy/horror base setting.
This is a discussion /Q & A with folks interested in writing hacks and variants for the game. It's facilitated by Brindlewood Bay designer Jason Cordova. 

As with other 'special episodes' of Just Played,  I haven't done any editing, so there may be variable sound quality and there's a couple of breaks you'll need to jump over. Other than that, though, there's lots of in-the-weeds discussion of game design and genre/setting. I've got a very nascent idea for a game based around retired superheroes in the vein of The Boys, Powers, and Astro City: Tarnished Angel that I discuss.
You can purchase the Brindlewood Bay core game, and the first expansion, Nephews in Peril, via Drive-Thru RPG.
Enjoy, and let me know if this sort of thing is something you'd like more of!