It’s summer and everyone is ready to go out to play. But you’ve worked hard to build your audience and don’t want to put it all on hold. If you want to roll into the fall with some momentum without missing out on all the sunshine and fun, Episode 62 of Just One Simple Thing is for you! So grab your favorite umbrella drink and let’s talk about staying visible over the summer.

This time of year I start hearing two refrains from my online ministry and business friends .... “I’m going to take a break for the summer.” And “I want to launch a new product in the fall."

Both of those are legitimate things to be thinking about and planning for right now. The problem comes when the same person says both of them!

You can’t disappear over the summer and expect to have a successful launch in the fall.

On the flip side, you don’t have stay chained to your phone and laptop and be distracted from all the family fun.

Ecclesiastes 3:1,12 says:
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens ...I know that thereis nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live.

So in this summer season, let’s find some ways that you can be happy, and also do some good work to set yourself up to roll into the fall with some momentum.

1. Make a visibility plan.

2. What can you automate?

3. What can you repurpose?

4. Combine work and play.

5. Build relationships for Fall collaborations.

6. Brush up on your SEO skills.

Do you see the common theme with these suggestions? It’s not about creating more stuff and spending all your time on social media. It’s about leveraging what you have, expanding your reach and reputation, and setting yourself up for future success.

Create your summer visibility plan. You don’t have to do ALL of these things. Start by looking at what your goals will be in the fall.

Make a plan for a few things that will support those fall goals.

If you need some help with that, grab the Rocket Your Reach Challenge. In this  five-day email-based challenge, you’ll learn the Visibility Acceleration Process to sort through all your ideas and decide which visibility options are right for you, create your visibility plan, and measure what is working and what isn’t. If you want your summer to matter for your work AND your life, this is the resource you need. Check it out at