Want to consistently work with new clients?  Learn more about what your audience wants and needs? Make connections that lead to collaborations and partnerships?  Accomplish all of that through free discovery calls. This is a key Business Builder, especially if you are just getting started, making a shift, or going to the next level in your ministry business.  So let’s talk about what to do before, during and after discovery calls, shall we?

We are wrapping up our Business Builders series.

In 2021, my game-changer was holding discovery calls with new connections and potential clients. 

Consistently talking with potential clients and partners in discovery calls is one of the best ways to keep your client calendar full.  But it begins with keeping your discovery call calendar full.  So let’s start with some strategies will help you do that.

1. Talk about your discovery call offer
2. Set a goal and keep track visually
3. Make it easy to schedule

During  the Call

1. Questions to ask

These are some of my favorite questions to ask during a call:

Tell me about your ministry/business and how you got started.What goals do you have for the next 3 - 6 months?What barriers are keeping you from reaching those goals?What would things look like if that problem was solved?What have you tried in the past to solve it?

2. Offering your solution

Give your potential client a quick win. This allows her to experience what it would be like working with you.

Be prepared to give a pitch at the end of the call and explain how your services work. 

 3. Set up for the follow up

Set up a specific time for follow up …. usually within a week.

After the Call

1. Set a time to follow up

2. Be prepared to offer alternative resources

3. Check back in periodically


Head to my free FB group Plan & Pray with Do A New Thing and grab the Discovery Call Toolkit, including a worksheet to keep up with your discovery call strategy this year.


TidyCal – simple but powerful appointment scheduler at one low cost

Click here to schedule a free DEFINE call with me.

Book Recommendation: Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High by Kerry Patterson

Did last month get away from you with little progress on your plans?

If only someone could make sure you are working on the right things at the right time.  Let me review your plan for the month and give you personal feedback, just like my one-on-one clients get. It's the most cost-effective way to get personal coaching and feel confident in taking your next steps.

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