Are you taking a summer break from your ministry or business?  While you might want to just drop everything and head for the sun, a little bit of planning can make for a better break and a better return from your break. Listen into Episode 114 of Just One Simple Thing as I share the things I’m doing to prepare for my upcoming break and get ready for when I come back.

As I record and air this at the end of May, this episode is the last one before my break in June and July. So I thought I’d share with you some tips for preparing for a summer break and along the way, I’ll share exactly what my break is going to look like, so you’ll know what to expect.

1. Consider your goals for your break:

Reflect on the purpose of taking a break and what you hope to achieve.

2. Decide what you will do and what you won't:

Use a spreadsheet or similar method to outline activities.Consider important tasks before and after the break.

3. Make a financial plan for your break:

Evaluate your finances and ensure you have sufficient passive income or savings to cover expenses.

4. Inform your team and be clear about what you want them to do during your break:

If you can’t afford to pay them during the break, provide notice well in advance. Consider if your team members also wish to take a break.

5. Inform your audience:

Let your audience know about the upcoming break and when they can expect for you to be back.

6. Make a plan for coming back:

Consider making changes or pivots during the break.Pray and seek fresh directions for your ministry or business.

Listen in to the episode to learn what my break will look like!

Head over to my free Facebook group Plan and Pray with Do A New Thing and grab your Summer Break Planning work sheet. 

I hope this episode has been helpful for you and I really look forward to being back with you in August. In the meantime, revisit some of the old episodes you may have missed.

Did last month get away from you with little progress on your plans?

If only someone could make sure you are working on the right things at the right time.  Let me review your plan for the month and give you personal feedback, just like my one-on-one clients get. It's the most cost-effective way to get personal coaching and feel confident in taking your next steps.

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