#LukeHaueter #Interviews #comedy #booktube

In Part 2, we go deeper into the lines of comedy. We talk about the integrity of jokes, being liked versus being heard, and we talk about expectations. This is a fascinating talk about figuring out who you are and more importantly how you want to be, and being true to yourself in the ideas you want to express. 

Luke Haueter:

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Jenna Greene and Wiggers the Well Dressed Wombat - check out Jenna Greene's Picture book releasing November 8th and get some great fashion advice from a wombat. Visit her page for more details

Roadkill Rampage #2 - Evil runs deep in this forest as Tess finds a stray dog and explores the sinister secrets of the men she meets. This kickstarter courtesy of Hazzum Productions starts Oct. 20th. Click on the link to follow.

In Honor of Free Isabelo - Free Isabelo was a member of the Hawaiian comics community, who has passed on. In honor of this, Mog Park and Anh Vu have commissioned a special print to honor him, with proceeds to go to his family. For more information, contact Anh on the link provided.

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Alice Won? - Pre-order now. Available Dec. 1st.

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