Matt Hart has lived a few different career lives. He’s worked in the tech world for companies like Microsoft, he’s been a professional athlete and coach and now he finds himself as a writer and journalist for places like the National Geographic, Outside Magazine, Men’s Journal and even CLIF Bar. If you ever read articles … Continue reading Freelance Writer – Matt Hart part 1 Ep23 →

Matt Hart has lived a few different career lives. He’s worked in the tech world for companies like Microsoft, he’s been a professional athlete and coach and now he finds himself as a writer and journalist for places like the National Geographic, Outside Magazine, Men’s Journal and even CLIF Bar. If you ever read articles online or in those magazine and thought,  “I wish I could do that” or “what is that business like?” than this is going to be the episode for you!

In this first episode of two Matt explains how he got his start, how you pitch stories, how you come up with pitches, how much times it takes to write stories, how long before stories get published, the difference between writing for the web and print, how much places pay and the good and bad of being a freelancer. Hart is incredibly open about the life and career of a writer and anyone who is interested in the field will find this episode very insightful.