I look at the other side of pro running as I chat with the Ultimate Direction brand manager and sponsor Buzz Burrell. Buzz took over running the hydration company Ultimate Direction a few years back and one of the first things he did was sign on top ultra runners like Anton Krupicka, Scott Jurek and … Continue reading Brand Manager/Sponsor – Buzz Burrell Ep20 →

I look at the other side of pro running as I chat with the Ultimate Direction brand manager and sponsor Buzz Burrell. Buzz took over running the hydration company Ultimate Direction a few years back and one of the first things he did was sign on top ultra runners like Anton Krupicka, Scott Jurek and Peter Bakwin to be the face of the brand. I talk with Buzz about life in the outdoor industry, what he looks for in athletes to sponsor, why he thinks going pro in ultra running might not be the best route for most people and more.

Buzz is also a super accomplished runner and adventurer himself and we chat a bit about his own adventures. He and Peter Bakwin coined the term Fastest Known Time or FKT which has really taken off as a way to get out into the wild and test yourself.