To most of us going blind would be the ultimate tragedy of our lives. For Erik Wehenmayer though he somehow eventually turned it into a career move. He made a name for himself as the first blind person to summit Everest in 2001 and has gone on to turn adventures into his job. When not going … Continue reading Blind Adventurer – Erik Weihenmayer Ep50 →

To most of us going blind would be the ultimate tragedy of our lives. For Erik Wehenmayer though he somehow eventually turned it into a career move. He made a name for himself as the first blind person to summit Everest in 2001 and has gone on to turn adventures into his job. When not going on adventures he is a speaker, writer and co-founder to the No Barriers foundation.  You name the adventure sport and their is an excellent chance Erik has found a way to do it with mountain climbing, rock climbing, road biking, running, mountain biking and kayaking as just some of the ways he gets around.

Erik has also authored several books including his most recent No Barriers: A Blind Man’s Journey to Kay the Grand Canyon.

Find out more about what Erik is up to at his website