Some minorities seem unwilling to get vaccinated against COVID, and there are countless myths and conspiracy theories that might be the cause people want to see results in others before agreeing to take the vaccine. However, there is one more factor that could contribute to this reluctance. Studies in epigenetics suggest that fears and beliefs can be handed down, generation to generation, through our DNA - and we very well know that Black people have been conditioned for centuries not to trust.

In this episode, I chat with Joseph McClendon III, Doctor of Neuropsychology, motivational speaker, leadership and ultimate performance expert, and world-class coach. We had an engaging conversation about overcoming trauma, epigenetics, and the best way to help people get over their paralyzing fears. We talked about internal wounds, how they stop us from achieving our magnificence, and the difference between knowledge, action, and activity. 

After three grown-up men tried to take Joseph's life when he was 17 because of his skin color, he received unexpected help from a stranger. The man handed Joseph a book that changed his life. When Joseph reached out and asked how he could repay for the help, the man simply asked him to do with others what he had done with him. And Joseph dedicated his life to do just that. 

Tune in to Just Black Talking and learn about the power we all have inside of us to change our lives. 

Some Questions I Ask:

In a recent interview, when asked what advice you would give your son, your answer was to look back but not stare. Can you expand on that? (1:40)As African Americans, are we stuck looking back, staring at past trauma in a way that is harming our progress? (6:16)How can epigenetics be addressed, overcome, or combated? (11:12)Are you finding that African Americans address some of those unseen hurts, those intern traumas or wounds more than before? (19:54)

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

The positive effect of helping others (3:07)Today's the last day of our past (4:32)What people want when they are scared and what we can offer (11:44)Internal wounds stopping us (16:08)Where knowledge comes from and where to look for it (20:15)Knowledge is not power; it is stored information (23:03)The Hundredth Monkey Syndrome. (24:34)


Book: Napoleon Hill - Think and Grow Rich: The Landmark Bestseller Now Revised and Updated for the 21st CenturyBook: Joseph McClendon III, Anthony Robbins: Unlimited Power: A Black Choice Kenneth and Mamie Clark's doll experiment - YouTube footageJoseph McClendon III website

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