In this spoiler-heavy discussion of the instant Dudes Rock classic Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, Toronto-based writer Anna Swanson joins host Jesse Hawken for an in-depth examination of the various controversies sparked by Quentin Tarantino’s 2019 film and how we interpret them. Not only did Anna write a great article that thoroughly investigates one of the film’s most shocking reveals, but we also all owe her a debt of gratitude for creating the “Leo Pointing” viral Twitter meme.

We also talk about Hollywood’s unexpected lyrical beauty and sensitivity, the pleasures of being tricked by a good storyteller, and whether post-pandemic moviegoing will ever be the same.

Do not listen to this episode if you have not seen the film and don’t want it completely ruined for you.

Follow Anna Swanson on Twitter.

Did Cliff Booth Kill His Wife? An In-Depth Investigation” - by Anna Swanson (for Film School Rejects)

Why Are You Laughing At Bruce Lee?” - by Walter Chaw (for Vulture)

An example of the seamless visual effects in the film: this is the real opening to the episode of “The FBI” that features Rick Dalton in the movie.