The New Republic’s Alex Shephard joins the show from Brooklyn to discuss the new Conservative propaganda film Roe v Wade, filmed three years ago in the hopes of cashing in on the anticipated repeal of a woman’s right to abortion access by a conservative Supreme Court, but only now dribbling out to VOD in the early days of the new Biden administration.

The film’s director Nick Loeb also stars as an amoral abortionist who reveals "the truth" about his profession, the Henry Hill of this shameless attempt to simulate the style of both Goodfellas and Oliver Stone’s JFK, with a cast stuffed with conservative Hollywood stars as well as a raft of cameos from several alt-right personalities. And like JFK, the film presents an alternative conspiracy theory version of recent American history, but loaded with anti-Semitic stereotypes, stomach-churning tactics and outright lies designed to discredit Planned Parenthood and the Women's liberation movement. 

It’s a repellent movie on all levels but Alex and I put ourselves through it so you don't have to, for a discussion about the motivations of the filmmakers, our observations on the modern conservative impulse to create entertainment at all costs to own the libs (despite their movement's supposed contempt for showbiz), and the amateurish, mediocre failures that result.

Speaking of which, Alex and I also discuss the worst new show on television - Gutfeld!

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"Is Gutfeld! the Worst Show on Television?" - Alex’s article for The New Republic, April 8, 2021

Teaser trailer from when Roe v Wade was supposed to be released in 2019

Marlow Stern’s brutal interview with Jamie Kennedy on how he wound up getting involved in this movie, from The Daily Beast, April 2, 2021

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