Talking Points:

Find opportunity by listeningJunior Devs and their fresh approach Interview questioning techniquesTechnical Process vs OutputOnboarding at BAD VRForms of documentation

Quotable Quotes:

“I heard a problem and I offered a solution.” - JM“I like the concept of hiring people who are really well experienced, but I like the reality of hiring people who are demonstrating excitement, passion, self-learning.” - JM“If they have a fundamental understanding of how technology works, or how coding is done, it doesn’t really matter what experience or what languages they have experience in if they are willing to explore this new world that we are seeking out.” - JM“I prefer juniors now, because they approach something with an open mind.” - JM“If you just have willingness to learn things continuously, thats the right characteristic or one of the right ones to have to having a career in this industry.” - JM“We’re looking for HOW they answer the question, not what the answer is.” - JM“It’s the few week of work, ,so it’s us testing them out, almost still part of the interview.” - JM“Sometimes the product, if done really well, can be a form of documentation.” - JM“If you make it a goal to have a codebase that is readable without comments, I think that is almost better [ than a codebase that needs comments ]” - DG“Needing a lot of documentation may be a bad sign.” - DG“More than anything, get comfortable with getting to know someone through a video screen.” - JM

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