Talking Points:

How understanding the context of the tools you learn can help overcome imposter syndrome.Ben discusses a healthy view of what a true junior dev is.Positive and negative patterns of entry level developers.What people consider before hiring junior engineers.Advice to Junior Devs who are interviewing currently.Important aspects to consider when developing your software career.

Quotable Quotes:

“Go deep in what you do know and understand it, and go shallow in a few other things to get context and get ideas.” - BW“Principles over tools” -BW“You actually do have to have a bunch of buzzwords on your resume to get to a human.” - BW“The person who is going to struggle more is focused on the specifics of the language API to the exclusion of all else.” - BW “Remember that you will never know even close to what there is to know in software development.” - BW ”[ Junior Developers ] DO have the ability to make and do things that can make people’s lives better.” - DG“What I want to be sure of when I am hiring an engineer is whether or not they will make my life worse.” - BW“Interviewing in itself is a skill. Don’t start with your dream job.” - BW“You’re not ‘made’ when you become a software engineer.” - BW“The resume is a terrible, terrible way to display your qualifications for anything. SO, the more real people you get to talk to the better.” - BW


Ben’s Site:  /*BW*/

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