Previous Episode: JKP! Ep.234: E3 2016

“I dare you to kill me, God!” JKPeer Tyler returns to the show this week to celebrate the Electronic Entertainment Expo with Brandon, Josh, Tom and Liz– but first he must sit through a bit of...

“I dare you to kill me, God!”

JKPeer Tyler returns to the show this week to celebrate the Electronic Entertainment Expo with Brandon, Josh, Tom and Liz– but first he must sit through a bit of chatter regarding Warcraft, Angry Birds, X-Men and Independence Day: Resurgence. Then, after a quick $$$ ADVERTISEMENT $$$, the gang finally explores every week-old nook and cranny of E3. All the major streams and press conferences get their due in a whoppin’ 120-some-odd minutes of tempered expectations and good-natured ribbing.

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