“How’s the health coverage at this job? Because I have to lick the pirate.” It’s that time of year, children… Z-Day has arrived and Zack has taken the reins once again! This year, Charleston (formerly Tom), Chunnywig...

“How’s the health coverage at this job? Because I have to lick the pirate.”

It’s that time of year, children… Z-Day has arrived and Zack has taken the reins once again! This year, Charleston (formerly Tom), Chunnywig (formerly Sarah) and Stegonnersaurus (formerly Brandon) kneel before their immortal host, ZeeeEEEHHHH, as he leads them on a whimsical and emotionally scarring journey through the valley of listener emails. Such wonders await your unsuspecting ears! Budget superpowers! Mulch and bugs! Baby spider sneezes! A BUNCH of comic books! Narcos? D E A D P O O L ! (Beware very minor spoilers!!) Come, celebrate Z-Day with us, your new family, and be ready to learn.

If this is your first episode of JKP!, then… well, I guess I am very sorry and goodbye.