JKP! is going 3 for E3! Three companies, three conferences, three hour-and-a-half episodes for your listening pleasure. Brandon, Josh, Jenny and returning special guest Tyler kick things off with Nintendo, dissecting their scattershot showing this year that included...

JKP! is going 3 for E3! Three companies, three conferences, three hour-and-a-half episodes for your listening pleasure.

Brandon, Josh, Jenny and returning special guest Tyler kick things off with Nintendo, dissecting their scattershot showing this year that included both a World Championship and a Digital Event. New Starfox! Baffling spin-offs! An official Miyamoto Muppet! All this and more as we engage in a heated discussion (for the 80th time) over whether or not anyone should care about Nintendo.

Tomorrow: our “3 for E3” triple-play continues with Microsoft!