Relax your body. Open your mind. Release the hostages. It’s Z-Time. And the love doctor is in. As promised, Zack takes the helm this week– in his best wig and false glasses, to boot– and...

Relax your body. Open your mind. Release the hostages. It’s Z-Time. And the love doctor is in.

As promised, Zack takes the helm this week– in his best wig and false glasses, to boot– and guides us through two and a half hours of Valentine’s Day-themed listener emails. Listen in as he shoves Brandon, Harrison, Josh and Tom through a carnival ride of painful memories, embarrassing confessions, sandwich preferences, and very definitely too many World War II jokes.

Hit the jump for this week’s lovey-dovey videos and some incredible photos of Love Doctor Zack!

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Origin of the Southern Accent:

Origin of the Southern Accent

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