“And then the money shot is a rainbow.” As 2012 draws to a close, the JKP Crew (minus Zack) gathers for a “year in review” livestream. Bests! Worsts! Personal highlights! Games! Comics! Movies! Spider-Man! The...

“And then the money shot is a rainbow.”

As 2012 draws to a close, the JKP Crew (minus Zack) gathers for a “year in review” livestream. Bests! Worsts! Personal highlights! Games! Comics! Movies! Spider-Man! The Hobbit! Ninja Turtles! Sonic hats! Viking helmets! Stuff, nonsense, shenanigans, and more! Grab a beverage and join us, won’t you?

Hit the jump for embedded video of the livestream, parts 1 and 2!

Watch live video from JumpKickPunch.com on TwitchTV

Watch live video from JumpKickPunch.com on TwitchTV