“What, you think you’re better than me?” With Tom away and Brandon, Josh, Zack and Harrison left manning the helm, you know it’s gonna be a dirty one. After a rambling discussion about comic and...

“What, you think you’re better than me?”

With Tom away and Brandon, Josh, Zack and Harrison left manning the helm, you know it’s gonna be a dirty one. After a rambling discussion about comic and manga problems, Harrison shares the details of his latest trip to the Child’s Play Charity Auction, and Josh shares some afterthoughts on Dishonored. Then, after the break, Zack describes the highlights of Ar Tonelico Qoga (a JRPG that’s heavy on the ‘J’), our urban viking Eric chimes in on a few recent downloadable titles (including Telltale’s award-winning The Walking Dead) and the gang tackles an hour and a half’s worth of “versus” scenarios and listener emails!

Hit the jump for all of this week’s related videos and images!

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