Ohhhh, now we see where you’re goin’. This week: Politics! Looper! Spoilers! Bioshock Infinite! Iron Man 3! Trailers! Teaser trailer teasers! Halo 4! Heroclix! Tales From the North! New York Comic-Con! Gundam! Pokemon! Macross! Listener...

Ohhhh, now we see where you’re goin’.

This week: Politics! Looper! Spoilers! Bioshock Infinite! Iron Man 3! Trailers! Teaser trailer teasers! Halo 4! Heroclix! Tales From the North! New York Comic-Con! Gundam! Pokemon! Macross! Listener emails! JKPleasant! Poutine! Vladimir Pre-teen! Swim team! Soggy nachos! Doctor Who! Indie comics! Future Bear in China! AND MORE!

Hit the jump for this week’s videos, images, and links!

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