“Dude, don’t yell. Don’t yell. It’s not worth it.” Zack and Harrison are hard at work, leaving Brandon, Tom and Josh to spend their time and energy discussing exactly how amazing Amazing Spider-Man is [beware spoilers!] and...

“Dude, don’t yell. Don’t yell. It’s not worth it.”

Zack and Harrison are hard at work, leaving Brandon, Tom and Josh to spend their time and energy discussing exactly how amazing Amazing Spider-Man is [beware spoilers!] and what wonders might come from a Guardians of the Galaxy movie– with or without Rocket Raccoon. Then, in the second half, the boys discuss the previous weekend’s conflicting gamer conventions, ranging from Evo 2012 in Vegas to Summer of Sonic in Brighton to The Rooster Teeth Expo in Texas, in which Elijah Wood voiced a computer man made of fire. Plus, a listener email and outraged moths!

Hit the jump for this week’s related videos!

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