Jump Chat Roll is the comedy gaming podcast where Rob and Shaun take a weekly irreverent look at some of the bigger topics in gaming, waving their opinions about and hopefully entertaining you as much as they entertain themselves.

In the sixth episode of Jump Chat Roll, we take a look at replayability. We look at what brings players back to games they've completed and whether the act of extending the life of a title with post-game content dilutes its experience. We also ask whether there's such a thing as too much macaroni and cheese, if the board game Twister should be made into a film, and if the little-known Egyptian god Mehephsemafat should have his own Wikipedia page.

As always, there's feisty language, dark humour and maybe even some serious points about gaming. Maybe.

Jump Dash Roll Site - www.jumpdashroll.com

Twitter - www.twitter.com/jumpdashroll

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Instagram - www.instagram.com/jumpdashroll

Music - Mark Cooksey

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