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As some of my readers are aware, on Tuesday, February 8, 2011, I sat down with geeky and comedic music duo, Paul and Storm (@paulandstorm), for an interview for my Geeky Pleasures Radio Show on The Force 925 (@TheForce925). Normally, prerecorded interviews would air the following Friday during the Geeky Pleasures Radio Show and would […]

As some of my readers are aware, on Tuesday, February 8, 2011, I sat down with geeky and comedic music duo, Paul and Storm (@paulandstorm), for an interview for my Geeky Pleasures Radio Show on The Force 925 (@TheForce925).

Normally, prerecorded interviews would air the following Friday during the Geeky Pleasures Radio Show and would be available for download as a podcast the following Monday. However, due to technical difficulties (my connection is dropping every few seconds, which was causing major buffereing issues), I was unable to air the interview this evening. So as a courtesy and my way of apologising once more, I am making it available a few days early.

If you have yet to listen to one of my interviews, they are not necessarily your typical interview. They are very much conversational with an intimate and interactive feel. Basically, it is a couple (or in this case, three) geeks sitting down to a cup of coffee and just chatting about whatever comes up.

Show Notes:


In this interview, things we discussed include: How Paul and Storm came to be; Working with Jonathan Coulton (@jonathancoulton)  and how that started; PAX; Gaming; Technology; Star Trek and Star Wars; Twitter; Facebook; Lupus; Whether or not Paul is a cheater; Some listener Q&A; w00tstock; UK/ Europe Tour; Geeky Role models and the media; Len Peralta‘s  (@jawboneradio) Geek a Week and JoCo Cruise Crazy. The interview ends abruptly as we continued to talk a wee bit after the actual interview part.
There is some NSFW language. Surprisingly, it was not I who swore.
At the beginning of the podcast, you’ll hear the Geeky Pleasures Radio Theme Song by Chris Cogott (@chriscogott).
The runtime for the interview is 3 hours 4 minutes and 04 seconds.
The total size is 168 MB.
The format is mp3, 128 kbps, 44.1 khz, stereo.
To download, right click save as this link.
Or you can listen by streaming it below. If you are viewing this post in an RSS reader, you’ll need to visit the site in order to listen.

I hope you enjoy it! I certainly enjoyed doing this interview.

Update January 15, 2013: Below, watch Paul and Storm’s new web series Learning Town. You can read my review of Learning Town here.


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