Previous Episode: SpinTunes Interview

On Friday, August 19, 2011, I had loads of fun having Joe Peacock (@joethepeacock) sit down with me for a marathon length chat on the Geeky Pleasures Radio Show at The Look 24/7 (@TheLook247). Joe did end up breaking the record for longest Geeky Pleasures interview, as promised. Before I get to the show notes, […]

On Friday, August 19, 2011, I had loads of fun having Joe Peacock (@joethepeacock) sit down with me for a marathon length chat on the Geeky Pleasures Radio Show at The Look 24/7 (@TheLook247). Joe did end up breaking the record for longest Geeky Pleasures interview, as promised.

Before I get to the show notes, I have to warn you, this interview is quite ridiculous. Not only did I have my regular listeners trying to throw me off of my game, a few of Joe’s friends and colleagues also joined in on the shenanigans. They were doing their darnedest to get me to laugh, especially when Joe was being really serious, and it worked.

Also, it isn’t a Geeky Pleasures Radio Show without some sort of technical issue to deal with. This time, it was Joe’s mic cutting out every now and then, plus my internet connection going down for about 5 minutes. Normally I’d edit out these issues, but it seemed like a fun idea to leave most of them in. I did edit out the 5 minutes of dead-air when my internet went down. Aside from that, the interview is intact.

Finally, if you are easily offended, you may not want to listen to this interview. You’ve been warned.

And now, the show notes:

Things discussed during the interview include: Fark and working at Fark; Tangent alert; User experience, online communties and entitlement; Tangent Alert; Facebook vs Google+; Tech Issue #1; Joe’s notes and blog; First world problems; Joe’s books: Mentally Incontinent, Mentally Incontinent, his third book and self-publishing; Tangent alert; Tech Issue #2; Akira and the Art of Akira; Tech Issue #3; Drawing and art; Personal creativity; Geek community and pandering to it; Tangent Alert; Tech Issue #4; Pets vs Kids; Tangent Alert; Geek Girls; Canadian bear and cougars, and Tom Feister and Studio Revolver; Working out, weight lifting and judging people based on appearances and size; Crossing the boarder, drugs and alcohol; Boxing, football, wrestling, MMA and why, and the military and combat; Tech issue #5; Human behavior and psychology; Joe and Jules’ super secret project discussed.
There is A LOT of NSFW languages.
At the beginning of the interview you will hear the Geeky Pleasures Radio Show theme by Chris Cogott (@chriscogott).
The format is mp3, 128 kbps, 44.1 kHz, stereo
The size is 205 MB
The length is 3 hours 44 minutes and 35 seconds.
To download, right-click save as this link. Alternatively, you can stream it below. If you are viewing this in an RSS reader, you’ll need to visit the site in order to listen.

I hope you enjoy!



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